
To best support your soccer player, parents, we ask that you review the “Equipment”, “Volunteers” and “Field Marshalls” areas of this website.

We ask parents help their players be properly equipped, including ensuring no jewelry, no earrings (even new piercings), no bracelets/necklaces, hair clips or bobby pins, etc. Shin guards must be completed covered by soccer socks and proper footwear must be worn. Long black shorts and black socks are part of Rosthern Soccer’s dress code.  Please apply bug spray to your child prior to games and practices. Coaches will not be providing insect repellent from RSA.

Parents, please keep the commitment to the team by ensuring your player is at every practice and game and is in communication with team personnel if a game/practice will be missed.  Please be on time.  Coaches and Assistants and Managers take time out of their busy schedules to be there for our players! The least we can do is return the favour.  It is very difficult for a coach if they have planned lines and then players do not show up, or if players do not come to practice and do not know the game plan.  It is at the discretion of the coach if a player that has not attended multiple practices will play (for safety and for team cohesiveness).

Each home game a field marshall will be assigned by your coach or assistant coach. Some towns will request field marshalls for both teams at games, and we ask that you support your coaches in these instances as well.

Families will be contacted to help with the tournament hosted in Rosthern. You may also email to volunteer for a job.

Just a reminder that there should be no spectators on the team player side of the field or behind goal nets (this is for the safety of players that can be distracted by people in these areas, and also to ensure that only team personnel that have completed the “Respect in Sport” course are located in player areas as required by the Sask Soccer Association).

Remember, coaches are volunteers that take time out of their very busy lives to coach and assist. They care about each and every soccer player and deserve our utmost respect and gratitude!

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